Download Ebook BookMaria OrsicNikola TeslaTheir Extraterrestrials MessagesOccult Ufos

PDF Maria OrsicNikola TeslaTheir Extraterrestrials MessagesOccult Ufos

PDF Maria OrsicNikola TeslaTheir Extraterrestrials MessagesOccult Ufos

PDF Maria OrsicNikola TeslaTheir Extraterrestrials MessagesOccult Ufos

You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. PDF Maria OrsicNikola TeslaTheir Extraterrestrials MessagesOccult Ufos, this is a great books that I think are not only fun to read but also very educational.
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PDF Maria OrsicNikola TeslaTheir Extraterrestrials MessagesOccult Ufos

PUBLISHERS' NOTE: Do not miss the most EXPLOSIVE book ever written on the German UFOs and link between the U.S. and the NAZI UFO technology: "German UFOs Apocalypse Over America. UFOs World War Three. (Extraterrestrial, Intraterrestrial, German, Canadian and American UFOs: Origin, Classes, Projects", authored by Maximillien de Lafayette.***   ***   *** Part 1 from a set of 2 Parts: World premiere! A must read book. Absolutely fascinating!!!! The world's first book on Maria Orsic and the Ladies of Vril, and Nikola Tesla's extraterrestrials' connection. Hundreds upon hundreds of photos, drawings and sketches from the original files. Information from secrets files of the NKVD, KGB, OSS, Gestapo, SS, MI5, and intelligence agencies in 6 countries. Everything began with Maria Orsic, including extraterrestrial messages, aliens' contacts and the UFOs in modern times. The UFO phenomenon, the first contacts with aliens from civilizations beyond our solar system, and extraterrestrials' messages, all started with an occult-metaphysical-mysticism-psychical movement created by Maria Orsic in 1917, a medium and founder of the Vrilerinnen ( The Vril Society), and based upon messages she received from extraterrestrials from Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri), which contained technical data and precise instructions on how to build a super "Out of this World" flying machine (UFO).
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